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What distinguishes pornography from other types of expression is its primary goal of sexual stimulation. Richard Dyer has noted that the goal of the pornographic narrative itself is sexual climax; there is a parallel between the activities depicted and the activities they are intended to inspire. Pornography, as opposed to other forms of sexual representation, is recognized by both its creators and its consumers as an instrument of sexual arousal. Such sexually explicit material has a long history, dating back to prehistoric images of stylized male and female deities and continuing through classical antiquity; but despite pornography’s Greek etymology, its current classification as a media genre began during the 19th century. While the content of pornography has usually reflected the heterosexual orientation of the dominant culture, same-sex imagery and narratives have always played a role in the history of erotic expression. In the years since the landmark Stonewall protests of 1969, gay escorts has developed into a significant force both in the pornography industry and in gay cultural life. Understanding the history of gay porn in film and video is vital for understanding the gay video phenomenon of today. Many of its unique qualities (as well as those that it shares with straight porn) can be explained by tracing the stylistic and iconographic evolution of the gay porn film. In some respects, the development and growth of gay porn mirrors the political ascendancy of gays and lesbians. As the struggle for gay liberation expanded and gained a higher profile during the 1970s, so did the gay segment of the pornography industry. Similarly, the belated adoption of condom usage in gay films reflected the advent of AIDS in the 1980s. Gay porn also expressed changing gay cultural ideals of masculinity and beauty. Ultimately, because the sexual activity depicted in gay porn represented the basic difference that created the homosexual identity, gay porn’s popularity can be seen as an affirmation of gay life and culture.
Gay escorts and Gay porn
Gay porn makes up a disproportionately large segment of the pornography market. Estimates of porn’s total economic clout range from $8 to $10 billion annually, with gay porn making up 10 to 25%; some industry insiders have even estimated as much as one-third to one-half of the adult industry is gay sales and rentals. Gay escorts, however, has generally been neglected in the fierce debate over pornography during the past four decades. Perhaps the fact that the debate has largely been driven by feminist claims about pornography’s exploitation of women has led to gay pornography’s neglect. Yet our understanding of pornography cannot be defined solely in heterosexual terms, and an analysis of gay pornography may help to expand our knowledge of pornography in general.What distinguishes pornography from other types of expression is its primary goal of sexual stimulation. Richard Dyer has noted that the goal of the pornographic narrative itself is sexual climax; there is a parallel between the activities depicted and the activities they are intended to inspire. Pornography, as opposed to other forms of sexual representation, is recognized by both its creators and its consumers as an instrument of sexual arousal. Such sexually explicit material has a long history, dating back to prehistoric images of stylized male and female deities and continuing through classical antiquity; but despite pornography’s Greek etymology, its current classification as a media genre began during the 19th century. While the content of pornography has usually reflected the heterosexual orientation of the dominant culture, same-sex imagery and narratives have always played a role in the history of erotic expression. In the years since the landmark Stonewall protests of 1969, gay escorts has developed into a significant force both in the pornography industry and in gay cultural life. Understanding the history of gay porn in film and video is vital for understanding the gay video phenomenon of today. Many of its unique qualities (as well as those that it shares with straight porn) can be explained by tracing the stylistic and iconographic evolution of the gay porn film. In some respects, the development and growth of gay porn mirrors the political ascendancy of gays and lesbians. As the struggle for gay liberation expanded and gained a higher profile during the 1970s, so did the gay segment of the pornography industry. Similarly, the belated adoption of condom usage in gay films reflected the advent of AIDS in the 1980s. Gay porn also expressed changing gay cultural ideals of masculinity and beauty. Ultimately, because the sexual activity depicted in gay porn represented the basic difference that created the homosexual identity, gay porn’s popularity can be seen as an affirmation of gay life and culture.